19.06.2023 | News

Workshop in Labour Economics: Wages, Employment and Inequality

The Workshop in Labour Economics: Wages, Employment and Inequality was organised on 24 – 25 August 2023 in Helsinki. The keynotes speakers were Attila Lindner and Andrea Weber. The seminar was fully booked.

The next WEI conference in Helsinki is scheduled for 2025 (tbc).

Author: Tuomas Kosonen

The Workshop in Labour Economics: Wages, Employment and Inequality will be held in Helsinki, Finland on 24 – 25 August 2023 was jointly organized by the Finnish Centre of Excellence in Tax Systems Research FIT, VATT Institute for Economic Research, and Uppsala Center for Labor Studies at Uppsala University.

Workshop programme

Thursday, August 24

11:50-12:00 Welcome words by organizers

12:00 – 14:00 Session I, Chair: Kristiina Huttunen
Jeanne Tschopp: Technological Change, Firm Heterogeneity and Wage Inequality
Elke Jahn: The Wage Elasticity of Recruitment
Matti Sarvimäki: Exposure(s) to Trade and Earnings Dynamics: Evidence from the Collapse of Finnish-Soviet Trade

14:00 – 14:30 Coffee or tea and sandwiches

14:30 – 16:10 Session II, Chair: Oskar Nordström Skans
• Keynote I: Andrea Weber: Careers of Migrants between Austria and Germany: Evidence from Linked Register Rata
Irene Ferrari: Longer Careers: A Barrier to Hiring and Coworker Advancement?

16:10 – 16:30 Coffee or tea, sweet pastries and fruits

16:30 – 18:15 Flash talk Session, Chair: Hanna Pesola
Adrian Adermon: Understanding Occupational Wage Growth
Tuomas Matikka: (Dis)Connecting People: The Nokia Decline and Entrepreneurship
Xiaogeng Xu: Which Income Comparisons Matter to People, and How?
Marc Riudavets-Barcons: Employment and Wage Effects of Minimum Wage Policy
Cristina Bratu: Firm Productivity and Immigrant-Native Earnings Disparities
Olof Åslund: Professional Networks and the Labour Market Assimilation of Immigrants
Ciprian Domnisoru: Educational Attainment, Field of Study and Labor Market Outcomes

19:00 Dinner at Restaurant Krog Roba (by invitation only)

Friday, August 25

9:00 – 11:00 Session III, Chair: Roope Uusitalo
Manudeep Bhuller: Collective Bargaining, Worker Compensation and Firm Performance
Patrick Nüß: Management Opposition, Strikes and Union Threat
Antoine Bertheau: Firm Beliefs about Wage Setting

11:00 – 11:20 Coffee or tea, sweet pastries and fruits

11:20 – 13:00 Session IV: Chair, Tuomas Kosonen
• Keynote II: Attila Lindner: Minimum Wages in the 21th Century
Sophie Cottet: Payroll Tax Reductions for Minimum Wage Workers: Relative Labor Cost or Cash Windfall Effects?

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch

14:00 – 16:00 Session V, Chair: Tuomo Virkola
Ines Helm: Firm Expansion in Imperfect Labor Markets
Michael J. Böhm: Heterogeneous Employment Elasticities and Occupational Change
Rafael Lalive: Labor Demand and Supply Across Occupational Boundaries

16:00 Closing words by organizers

Additional information

Seminar venue: Economicum, Arkadiankatu 7, Helsinki, Finland

Contact persons for the workshop content:
Tuomas Kosonen, VATT Institute for Economic Research tuomas.kosonen@vatt.fi
Oskar Nordström Skans, Uppsala Center for Labor Studies at Uppsala University Oskar.Nordstrom_Skans@nek.uu.se

Contact persons for the registrations and workshop arrangements:
Marjukka Hourunranta, Tampere University marjukka.hourunranta@tuni.fi
Aino Lintula, Tampere University aino.lintula@tuni.fi